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Sleeping Jacket is the result of nearly three years of research and tests to create the perfect garment for any kind of outdoor activity.  The inventor of ANYWEAR Sleeping Jacket, Francesco Saldarini, is a member of the Italian National Speedski Team, and thanks to the experience he made ski racing all around the world he knows very well what means to wear a confortable garment which shields your body against wind, cold, snow or rain but still allows you to move freely ( metti le mie due foto ).

As a matter of fact, he has transfered the knowledge he gained from the continue research of high tech materials done for National Ski Teams onto this brand new product wich features a Sleeping Bag, an Anorak and a Rain Coat all in one with the lightnes of a traditional down.

Co-sponsored by NYLSTAR one of the leading manufacturers of High Tech fibers in the world with over 475 MLN $ yearly turn over, ANYWEAR Sleeping Jacket has been presented to the Italian ARMY and to some N.A.T.O. high officers and will be commercialized soon for civil use.

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